Monday, April 20, 2020

Rhetorical Strategies of Esther Burr’s Journal free essay sample

She has a very deep respect for her father, so when she gets the chance to travel to â€Å"the spring wood† with him she could not be happier. Her use of language, including; diction and imagery, the manner in which she talks about the knowledge she gained that day, and of course how she looks up to her father reveals just how cherished this outing was for her. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Strategies of Esther Burr’s Journal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Esther’s deeply rooted respect for her father is evident from the very first sentence she wrote, â€Å"I have just come back from a most wonderful ride with my honored father† and continues throughout the passage, she calls him â€Å"a great traveler† and brings him water, intently listens to everything he says. She was particularly excited for the outing because her father was very talkative and taught her a lot, this was special for her because he is â€Å"usually taciturn or preoccupied. † How she talks about her father, the great respect she has for him, reveals alone how important this day was for her.When a person idealizes another so much, time spent with them will always be a great experience, regardless of what they do. Another clue to how significant this experience was for her is Esther diction she uses so many adjectives showcasing how amazing this day was for. Going back to the very first line she refers to her trip as â€Å"a most wonderful ride. † Again she continues this pattern throughout the passage, she talks about how beautiful the nature surrounding her was, â€Å" The forests between our house and the full-banked river were very beautiful.The wild cherry and the dogwood were in full bloom. The squirrels were leaping from tree to tree, and the birds were making a various melody. † She truly appreciated every aspect of her time with her father, the imagery shows that. Esther’s language reflects how important she views the knowledge she gained from the trip. She is very excited to have learn about the habits of a flying spider, that is when she calls her father a â€Å"great traveler†.Esther remembers the biblical references her father made and writes them down â€Å"I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valleys,† applying the words to the Savior, as though the beauty and the loveliness of the Savior were recalled in the works of creation: and then, from the Gospel of John: â€Å"All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made, that was made. † She ends her journal entry with a remark on her knowledge, â€Å"I came home thinking a great many new thoughts† learning is clearly important to her, it helped to make her day.In the average family today, a little girl on a drive with her dad might be preoccupied with her phone, and thinking â€Å"are we there yet? † but that is not the case with Esther at all, she demonstrates this again and again throughout her texts. She was very dif ferent than the average ten year old today, when she saw her reflection it came to her â€Å"great surprise† that she looked like her mother (not having a mirror at home), that was just the cherry on top, so to speak, of her already wonderful day with her father.

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